Job Description
Job Grade: KUCCPS 5
Ref. Code: KUCCPS 074/23
a) Key Responsibilities
1. Procuring goods, services and works;
2. Conducting disposal of stores and equipment;
3. Undertaking market surveys and research;
4. Managing and controlling inventory;
5. Preparing bid documents;
6. Maintaining and updating list of pre-qualified suppliers, consultants and contractors;
7. Implementing decisions of the procurement, tender and disposal committees;
8. Preparing contract documents; purchase and service orders;
9. Participating in the evaluation of tenders, quotations and proposals; inspection and acceptance
of goods, works and services;
10. Preparing statutory report; and
11. Providing secretariat services and advise to relevant committees.
b) Minimum Requirements
For appointment to this position, a candidate must:
1. Have a minimum of five (5) years’ relevant experience in the Public Service or Private Sector;
2. Have a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following fields: Procurement and Supplies Management,
Procurement and Logistics, Commerce, Business Administration (Supplies Management
Option), Economics or other relevant and equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
3. Professional qualification and membership to KISM or CIP or relevant professional body;
4. Have a certificate in a supervisory course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a
recognized institution;
5. Be proficient in computer applications; and
6. Show merit in ability as reflected in work performance and results.