Job Description
Assistant Director Gender, Job Group ‘P’ (1 Post)
i) Duties and Responsibilities
1. Implementation of gender policies, projects and programmes; facilitating gender mainstreaming activities in County Departments, promoting gender socio-economic empowerment; undertaking sensitization/awareness creation on gender programmes and projects;
2. Undertaking research on gender issues, including baseline survey on female Genital Mutilation and Gender Based Violence; Coordinating collection and development of gender-disaggregated data and management information systems;
3. Monitoring gender mainstreaming, socio-economic empowerment and Female Genital Mutilation and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence projects and programmes establishing the level of compliance with the Two Third Gender Principle in County Departments;
4. Providing input on Gender Mainstreaming in CIDP Expenditure Framework budget; monitoring gender-related funds; monitoring prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation and Sexual and Gender-related matters;
5. Guiding and engaging with partners and stakeholders on Gender-related matters; Guiding and facilitating formation of community level structures on Anti-female Genital Mutilation and Gender Based Violence groups;
6. Maintaining a complaints and grievances mechanism on gender-related matters at the county; and preparing monthly, quarterly, bi-annual reports on gender programmes / projects.
ii) Requirement for Appointment
1. A minimum of Eight (8) years’ experience
2. Must be a serving officer in Nyandarua County Public Service
3. Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Gender Studies, Gender and Development, Sociology, Business Administration (Finance / Entrepreneurship Option), Anthropology, Counselling and Psychology, Economics, Law or any other relevant Social Science from a recognized institution:
4. Master’s degree in any of the above state fields of study
5. Demonstrated Merit and Ability as reflected in Work Performance and Results