Enhance your financial accounting skills with our advanced level skill assessment test. Assess your proficiency in complex concepts and techniques. Boost your credibility and stay on top of the accounting game.
- Many users took this
- 15 multiple choice questions
- 1.5 minutes per question
Score atleast 70% to earn a badge.
Before You Start:
- You must complete this assessment in one session - make sure your internet is reliable.
- You can retake this assessment once if you don’t earn a badge.
- Your results are confidential and will not be shared with anyone.
- Bonds
- Business Combinations
- Consolidated Financial Statements
- Deferred Tax Assets/Liabilities
- Derivatives
- Earnings Per Share
- Equity
- Fair Value Measurement
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Foreign Currency Transactions
- Impairment
- Leases
- Pensions
- Revenue Recognition
- Statement of Cash Flows