Job Description
Ref No. CPSB/TTC/070/2022
Number of Posts: One (1) Post
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable
Basic Salary Scale: As provided for by the Salaries and Remunerations Commission
Duties and responsibilities
1. Initiating, preparing and monitoring the implementation of sub-county and local physical
development plans;
2. Providing advice on development application and development control matters;
3. Implementing and providing feedback on physical planning guidelines and standards;
4. Collecting and analyzing urban and regional planning data;
5. Preparing action for specific projects such as residential housing schemes, shopping
centers, industrial estates and recreational facilities;
6. Undertaking studies on matters relating to physical planning at regional and local levels.
7. Setting agenda and convening physical planning liaison committee meeting;
8. Keeping records of deliberations and communications decisions of physical
9. planning liaison committee;
10. Managing physical and land use planning data;
11. Overall supervision of planning issues; and,
12. Perform any other assigned duty.
Requirements for Appointment:
1. Be a Kenyan citizen;
2. Bachelor's degree in Urban and Regional Planning, Physical Planning or equivalent
qualification from a recognized institution;
3. Computer Proficiency;
4. Minimum 5 years' relevant experience;
5. Able to undertake drawing and designs;
6. Good interpersonal skills;
7. Self-Motivated and able to work under pressure;
8. Registered by a relevant professional body; and,
9. Full member of Kenya Institute of Planners, Architectural Association of Kenya or Town
and County Planner Association of Kenya