Job Description
Senior Administrative Officer (Job Group P) NCCASB-24 – ONE (1) POSITION
Duties and Responsibilities Duties andresponsibilitieswill entail:-
i) Formulation, interpretation and implementation of policies, strategies, and
standards pertaining to administrative services ofthe County Assembly;
ii) Assistin the preparation of departmental budget proposals;
iii) Coordinating in Carrying out Occupational Safety and Health audit in liaison
with the OSHA committee;
iv) Administering the Administration related contracts;
v) Coordinating the Provision of protective clothing and equipment;
vi) Coordinating the repairs and maintenance in the assembly;
vii) Facilitating settlement of utility services bills;
viii)Supervision the requisition for calling cards, scratch cards and any components
related to this service;
ix) Supervising Transport and logistics management;
x) Assisting the supervisor in the management of the Assembly assets inventory;
Requirements for Appointment
For appointmentto this grade, an officer must have:
a) Served in the grade of Administration Officer I or in comparable and relevant
position in the Public Service for a minimum period of three (3) years;
b) Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences or any other equivalent and qualification from
a recognized institution;
c) Certificate in Senior Management Course lasting for not less than four (4) weeks
from a recognized institution;
d) Proficiency in computer applications; and
e) Demonstrated managerial, administrative and professional competence inwork