Job Description
Ref No. CPSB/TTC/065/2022
Number of Posts: One (1) Post
Terms of Service: Four (4) Years Contract
Basic Salary Scale: As provided for by the Salaries and Remunerations Commission
Duties and responsibilities
The officer will be Head of County Budgeting and Economic Planning function unit and will be
responsible to the County Chief Officer Finance & Economic Planning for the efficient
management of Budget & Economic Planning functions in the County. Specific duties and
responsibilities shall be:
1. Consolidating and prioritizing of areas for allocation of County Financial Resources;
2. Identifying programmes at the county and consolidating programmes at the sub county
and ward level for inclusion in the Programme Based Budget;
3. Issuing guidelines of the budget process to be followed by all County offices;
4. Coordinate in preparation of County Planning & Budgeting documents (CADP, CBROP,
CFSP, PBBs etc.);
5. Publishing and publicizing all budgetary and planning documents;
6. Preparing and submitting the relevant draft bills to the County Assembly;
7. Ensure meaningful engagement of citizens in planning and budgetary process;
8. Undertaking capacity building of the staff at the county level;
9. Ensuring that County Development Plans are aligned to National economic policies;
10. Develop a framework for Monitoring and Evaluation of County Projects & Programmes;
11. Dealing with county assembly enquiries and issues pertaining to Budget and Economic
Planning matters;
12. Advising the County Departments on budget management; and,
13. Analyze the risks involved in new and existing budget policies.
Requirements for Appointment:
1. Be a Kenyan citizen
2. Be a holder of Bachelor's degree in Finance, Accounting, Business Administration,
Commerce, Economics or in any relevant equivalent.
3. Master's degree with a bias in Accounting, Finance or Economics will be an added
4. Possession of CPA (K) or its recognized equivalent will be an added advantage
5. Relevant work experience of not less than five (5) years in senior management position.
6. Have a very good Microsoft Excel and analytical skills.
7. Certificate in Senior Management Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a
recognized institution;