Job Description
a) Duties and Responsibilities
Collecting, receiving, preparing, managing and safely disposing of samples and
Preparing and standardizing laboratory reagents and culture media for laboratory
analysis and research activities;
Maintaining and preserving specimens in a reference database;
Carrying out analytical work and record results;
Setting up experimental plots and record field experimental data
Keeping laboratory records;
Maintaining and preserving specimens;
Carrying out routine standardization and maintenance of laboratory equipment;
Undertaking and keep inventory of laboratory equipment, chemicals and reagents;
Training and supervising students on attachment and staff in the unit;
Carrying out demonstrations for clients and visitors;
Maintaining high standards of cleanliness in the laboratory;
Participating in planning and evaluating laboratory services; and
Any other duty as assigned from time to time.
b) Requirements for Appointment
i) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) minimum grade “C-” (C Minus)
or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
ii) Diploma in Tree/Plant Protection or its equivalent from a recognized institution; and
iii) Certificate in Computer Applications from a recognised institution.