Job Description
Ref No. CPSB/TTC/20/2023
Number of Posts: One (1) Post
Terms of Service: Permanent
Basic Salary Scale: As provided for by the Salaries and Remunerations Commission
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Develop the capacity of BOG to provide effective management;
2. Coordinate and supervision of curriculum implementation;
3. Ensure appointment of BOG's is in line with laid regulations;
4. To establish framework for trainees to be attached in industries to gain hands on skills;
5. Initiate and monitor IGAS progress;
6. Initiate and coordinate co-curricular activities;
7. Ensuring County selection of youth polytechnics trainees;
8. Engineer development of youth polytechnic fee structure;
9. Collection, compiling and developing monthly reports;
10. Create community mobilization, awareness and sensitization;
11. Appraise youth polytechnic managers.
Requirements for Appointments
1. Be a Kenyan Citizen;
2. Be a holder of Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Education or
Technology Education from a recognized institution, OR Bachelor’s degree in Science /
Arts with a post Graduate Diploma in Education from a recognized institution in any trade
3. Have a cumulative relevant working experience of at least 6 years
4. Demonstrated a high degree of administrative and professional competence;
5. Certificate in computer application from a recognized institution;